Sunday, July 24, 2011

Close to the End

As my time draws near in delivering dental care to the people of Sierra Leone, I continue to see things differently.  I feel like everything I read takes on a new meaning.  Dealing with so many different elements in Sierra Leone, I been expose to so many experiences that I would never have been expose to, and probably never again in the future.  Living here, made me realized how much I miss my family and friends dearly, something we all take for granted.

 I was recently reading about the average time that Americans watch TV: 4-5 hours a day.  In fact, there are more TVs in the average household then there are people.  There is nothing wrong watching TV, however, how can we waste so much time and not look for ways to make a difference in other people lives?  I love it how the locals in Sierra Leone are very engaging and touchy (something I had to get use to).  They seem to be more connected to each other than the people in America

Taking some pictures from Mercy Ship, I hope this verse becomes alive to you as we are to follow Christ’s example.  We are to help each other, give hope to people, show Christ's love to others; what life is all about.

Matthew 15:31 “The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised God of Israel.”

Helping those who are rejected by the world:
> Maxillo-Facial surgeries for people with deforming face and neck tumors
> Plastic surgeries to rebuild faces, arms or hands due to burns or disease.

Helping the Blind to See through eye surgery:
> 20 minute cataract surgeries allow blind to see

Helping the Mute to Speak:
> Repair cleft lips and palates - 4th most common birth defect
> Basic dental care and surgeries

Helping the Lame to Walk:
 > Orthopedic surgeries on legs and feet give people mobility


  1. Nice post! My TV is stored away btw :P

    Pretty transformational procedures that you all provide on the ship!

  2. Not really an end...such a profound experience, your perspective and appreciation of life will be forever changed. Enjoy your posts, and as always, look forward to what is next for you.
