Friday, April 22, 2011


After a very long airplane ride, finally arrived in Freetown, Sierra Leone.  I was very excited to see the Mercy Ship personnel that was going to get me to the ship.  After walking through a crowd of people at the gate of the airport, I took a bus down to the bay and jumped on a dinky little boat.  With no lights, we drove about 45 minutes across the bay (apparently the driver was using the moonlight to get across the bay) and arrived to the ship.  I finally felt like I could breathe for the first time since the last 3 days.  The staff on the ship was very friendly and even baked me cookies when I arrived. 

As for the temperature, it is going to take some time to getting use to....


  1. Pics! Great! almost feel like I'm there..:)

  2. I will try to put some more up soon, have to be careful when taking pictures, some people are very sensitive to the cameras
