Sunday, March 13, 2011


Welcome to my Blog!  I will be posting my trip, pictures, and updates on this blog.  In addition, life provoking questions and thoughts during my experience in Sierra Leone will also be posted.   I will try to update this blog at least once a week when I arrive in Africa on the hospital ship.  

First of all, I want to give gratitude to everyone that has supported me in making this trip a reality.  Your donations, prayers, and words of encouragement have made it possible for me to join the Mercy Ship.  It was a lengthy process with several roadblocks along the way; however, having perseverance and determination, I was finally able to get accepted.  I pray that during my 5 months stay, I will gain an experience that I can not be expose to in the United States.  In addition, I pray that I continue to experience God through helping the poor and needy (Matthew 25:35-46) and continue to grow in all aspects of my life.  

I will be flying out of DC on April 19th and arriving in London, England.  Then I will be flying to Sierra Leone International Airport in Freetown.  After that, a water taxi will take me to the hospital ship, and that is where it begins!

Below is the link to my profile page on the Mercy Ship's website, and if you want to make any donations:

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